Benjamin Franklin and the Turkey

Here's something to consider as you make leftover turkey sandwiches for lunch today...

Benjamin Franklin's preference for using the Turkey over the Bald Eagle on our Great Seal is a well known piece of American folklore - but is there any truth to the tale? Kinda sorta.   

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Book Review: Mayflower

Philbrick is an engrossing history writer who understands that good history isn’t about the recitation of dates and names, but rather the story which falls in between. Mayflower had me hooked. Given the approach of Thanksgiving, this seasonally appropriate book brings you inside the cramped ship which brought our Pilgrim forebears to the shores of New England, then charts the course of the colony they created, terminating decades later with the great bloodletting that was King Philip’s War.

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In Search of Peter Richards

Peter Richards is a 5th generation family ancestor of mine who fought in the 34th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment during the Civil War. He would be considered my Great Great Great Uncle. I've long been curious to know more about him. This past weekend I fell down an internet rabbit hole researching the story of his regiment. During this search, I came across some wonderful photographs that I wanted to share. One in particular really captured me...

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The Great American Songbook: The Nearness of You

Listening to a note perfect song is one of the many small joys afforded us by life.  Of course, it’s an entirely subjective experience because music comes in all different flavors and we listeners have a wide variety of palates.  Be that as it may, I would argue that the Great American Songbook ranks among this nation’s greatest gifts to the world, and within this wealth of tunes there’s an absolute abundance of musical perfection.  

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On to Richmond

Last weekend the parental units and I made a journey down to Richmond, Virginia.  I decided to chronicle the adventure on camera.  

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