Happy Anniversary Boy Scouts of America - Sorry About the Statue
The Boy Scouts of America are 108 years old today. Way-to-go lads! I envy your commitment (I never got beyond the level of Cub Scout).
If you wanna live to get that merit badge, hike faster.
Although I have no official capacity in which to extend the following apology, allow me to do so anyway:
A thousand pardons for DC’s Boy Scout Memorial. Ever since it was unveiled on the White House Ellipse in 1964, your memorial has elicited mockery. Why? In truth - it’s odd and vaguely upsetting to look at.
Originally proposed by Senator Lyndon Baines Johnson on the BSA’s 50th Anniversary in 1959, the memorial was intended to honor scouts of the past, present and future. Privately financed through the fundraising efforts of hard working scout troops, the memorial was placed upon the spot of the BSA’s inaugural Jamboree in 1937.
Sculpted by Donald DeLue, the memorial features the statue of a young scout, boldly hiking into the future. Following behind him are a pair of massively oversized figures - allegorical depictions of virtuous American manhood & womanhood. The musclebound couple are scantily clad and executed in a neoclassical style - so they look like voluptuous greek deities chasing around a blithely ignorant young man. One can only hope the young fella uses his survivalist skills to fashion a makeshift canoe and escape their clutches!
Be prepared to defend yourself lad.